Students at 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 have a responsibility to maintain certain academic standards and make satisfactory academic progress towards a 学位 whether or not aid is being received. 联邦法规,高等教育委员会. 484(c), §668.16, 668.34, require all schools participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs to have a 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) policy that conforms to the requirements detailed below. 这些标准适用于所有助学金、贷款、勤工俭学、部分学费减免和部分奖学金.



Federal law requires the consideration of three factors when determining whether a student is making satisfactory progress towards a 学位: the qualitative and quantitative standards and the maximum time frame allowed.

  1. 最低平均绩点(质素标准)
    • 本科生, 包括寻求后续本科学位的学士后学生, 必须保持2.累积平均绩点(GPA).
    • 研究生必须保持3分.累积平均绩点(GPA).
  2. 完成进度(数量标准)
    • Pace is the rate at which a student must progress through his/her educational program to ensure that the student will complete the program within the maximum time frame. Pace is determined by dividing the total number of hours the student has successfully completed by the total number of hours the student has attempted. 学生必须保持67%或更高的速度.
    • 顺利完成学业意味着最低成绩为D-, P(及格/不及格), CCR, CR, 或N已达到. I级(不完整), F(失败), W(退出), 非盟(审计), 和NCR不被接受为令人满意的学业进展,并且会降低你的完成率. 这些成绩算作尝试学分. 请注意,大多数课程需要C-或更高的成绩来满足学位要求. 成绩为W并不影响你的学期绩点或累积绩点.
      • Students who complete a course in which they previously received an ‘I’ grade may contact 金融援助 for an evaluation of eligibility. 在重新评估之前,成绩的变化必须反映在学生的成绩单上. I的成绩不影响你的学期成绩或累积GPA,但当成绩被收到时, 你的学期成绩和累积绩点将以此成绩计算.
  3. 最大时间范围
    • 允许的尝试学分数为1.获得学位或证书所需学分数的五倍. The point at which a 学位 or certificate cannot be earned under maximum time frame is when financial aid is terminated. 请注意,更改专业不会重置最大时间框架.
学位类型 信贷需求 最高尝试学分
















重复:菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学术政策允许的情况下,学生可以多次重复不及格的课程,并获得该班的资助. 以前成功完成的课程可以重修一次. 如果成绩为“N”,则认为可以继续完成下一学期的学业要求. Repeating classes may lower your completion rate because a class can only be counted as earned one time but is counted as attempted each time taken. 当你重复一门课程时, 最近收到的成绩是用来计算累积GPA的成绩.

补救学分: 援助 can be received for remedial credits as long as the student is enrolled in a program leading to a 学位 or certificate. 任何学生不得获得超过30个补习学分的资助. These courses are counted in the quantitative standard and the maximum timeframe allowed for satisfactory academic progress purposes for all students. 根据学术政策,这些课程被计入高地学院课程的定性标准.

转移学分: 在先前的专上院校修过的学分将被包括在确定满意的学业进展中. 注册服务将学分转换为学分. 转学学时包括在速度和最大时间框架的计算中,作为尝试和获得的学分.

如果转学学分是在助学金发放后公布的, 进度和最大时间框架将在当前注册学期结束时进行审查. Transfer students must have all of their official transcripts submitted to Enrollment Services before the end of their first semester at Montana Tech.

Transfer students who do not have any transfer credit hours on record with Montana Tech at the time they are reviewed for financial aid eligibility, 只会被考虑为新生年级水平的资助吗. 如果转校生在第一学期就有转学学分,他们可以要求对他们的经济援助进行审查. 届时,所有转让工作将按照本政策中详述的政策标准进行评估.

如果转学学分是在获得财政援助之前公布的, 进度和最长时间框架将根据本政策中详述的政策标准进行审查.


A student who was eligible at the beginning of a payment period but is not making 令人满意的学业进展 standards because of GPA or Pace deficiency at the end of a payment period (term), 是否会被列入财政援助警告名单. 处于警告状态的学生仍有资格获得额外一个学期的资助. 学生必须在一个学期警告期结束时达到所有标准, 否则他/她将被终止经济援助资格.


  • 一学期零学分
  • 被停学
  • 不能在规定时间内完成学位



  • 在学期内完全退出菲律宾十大彩票平台大学.
  • 任何学期过后都没有学分. 这包括夏季、秋季或春季.
  • 在警告期过后,未能达到最低SAP标准
  • 被停学.
  • Exceeds the maximum time frame for the 150% of the established length of the academic program or at any point when it becomes mathematically impossible for the student to complete the program within the maximum timeframe
  • 无论是否申请毕业,都已达到学位或证书要求.


选择不上诉的学生, 或者上诉被驳回, 一旦他们的学习成绩符合政策,他们的资格是否会恢复. 这意味着必须使用其他资助方式来资助他们的教育,直到他们再次符合资格.


因未能保持令人满意的学业进步而被终止经济援助的学生可以上诉. 上诉必须证明学生无法控制的情有可原的情况, 比如直系亲属的重病或死亡, 是什么阻碍了学生在学业上取得好成绩.

  • 一个类型的, signed letter that is no longer than one-page addressing why SAP was not met and what has changed to be able to successfully progress towards your 学位.
  • An academic Plan of Study that is completed by the student and the advisor that shows how the student will meet 令人满意的学业进展 by a specific time or complete the program.
  • Appropriate documentation to support the reason for the appeal and/or showing how the problem has been resolved or alleviated. 如果没有适当的文件,上诉信必须解释原因.

上诉表格解释了上诉程序和必要的文件. 可在学生成功中心的注册服务处获得,也可在网上获得

上诉由委员会每月审查两次. Students will be notified 以书面形式 within 5 business days of the completion of the review of the committee’s decision and any conditions of the appeal. 上诉将被批准、提交或拒绝.


如果上诉委员会批准了上诉,该学生将被列入 经济援助试用期 or 学术计划. 学生有资格获得资助,只要他们继续满足学术计划的条件. 例如, a student may be required to earn 100 percent of the credits he/she attempts each semester with a grade of “C-“ or higher.

Students on 经济援助试用期 or 学术计划 will have their grades reviewed at the end of each payment period (semester) to ensure that he/she is meeting the terms of the appeal.

  • 如果学生符合SAP标准(2).0累积绩点, 67%的速度), 缓刑将取消,学生将被转移到令人满意的地位.
  • If the student has met the terms and conditions of the appeal and is following the Plan of Study but is still not meeting the minimum SAP standards, 该学生将保持学业计划.
  • 如果学生未能满足上诉的条款和条件或未能遵守学习计划, 财政援助将被终止. 学生不能因相同或类似的原因对终止申请提出上诉


If the committee needs additional documentation or information before determining whether an appeal is approved or denied, 在收到适当的资料或材料之前,上诉将被提交. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure any needed materials are submitted before the end of the term in which they are appealing to receive financial aid.


如果委员会拒绝上诉, 学生将被通知, 以书面形式, within 5 business days of the completion of the review of the committee’s decision and given an explanation of how they can restore 金融援助 eligibility if it is possible to do so.

如果学生在上诉被拒绝后有额外的或新的文件, 他们可以提交新的上诉供审议.

*Exceptions or amendments to any of the specific provisions regarding satisfactory academic progress standards may be made at any time without publication due to changes in federal, 状态, 和/或机构法规或政策.


