
职业服务雇主合作计划将在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学生和教师中为您的组织创造强大的品牌认知度.  您将形成一个可持续的多元化人才管道,这将有利于您的组织的招聘需求.

What does the partnership include?

蒙大拿科技职业服务雇主合作计划有不同的级别,以满足您独特的品牌和招聘需求.  每个级别的设计都是通过专门的活动和跨多种媒体的有针对性的宣传,为您的组织提供战略性的招聘优势.

Why should your organization become a partner?

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院有优秀的学生,他们为贵组织的特殊职业做好了充分的准备.  他们是合作解决问题的人,寻找合适的机会,在他们的职业和世界上产生影响.  蒙大拿科技职业服务雇主合作计划将您与有价值的人力资源联系起来,这些人力资源可能会对您的组织产生变革.

所有合作伙伴关系均接受公开注册,有效期为12个月.  有关贵公司如何成为合作伙伴的信息,请发送电子邮件 careerservices@hzjly.net or call Montana Tech Career Services at 406-496-4140.

Select the level of your support:



Platinum Partner $10,000

Recruiting Advantage

  • Organization name recognition on Career Services website
  • 识别 as a sponsor at all large-scale campus-wide career events
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets
  • Full page ad in career & internship fair guides
  • Promote “A Day in the Life…” with alumni from the company
  • 记录最多五个面试问题,供学生在StandOut中练习

Events Benefits

  • Advance invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • Advanced registration for Fall & Spring On-campus Interviewing
  • 为您选择的职业服务招聘活动提供额外的免费停车许可证
  • 免费的开放日/咖啡讲座-为学生提供移动咖啡或食品卡车,提供公司品牌的材料和有关组织的事实
  • 演讲者局-优先邀请参加特别演讲嘉宾活动, career development panels, industry networking events, and workshops
  • 向职业服务中心做一个30分钟的介绍,介绍公司、招聘目标和目标
  • Luncheon with Montana Tech faculty and/or staff (max 7 guests)
  • 免费使用学生会的一个集中地点,每年举办一次活动
  • 免费注册所有现场或虚拟招聘会(白金合作伙伴在所有招聘会免费获得最多2个虚拟展位或桌子)
  • 招聘会 Video Introduction

Outreach Benefits

  • 直接向学生和应届毕业生发送有关空缺职位的电子邮件(最多8封)
  • Year-round access to Resume Book
  • EMPLOYER SPOTLIGHT: The entire week will be about your organization. Career Services promotes your organization through printed collateral, 电子邮件爆炸, and tabling opportunities in a strategic location (once per semester, excluding career fair weeks)
  • Company recruiting-related events featured on social media outlets
  • 定制的“公司日”职业计划、招聘活动或品牌活动
  • Internship consulting and campus recruiting strategy
  • Employer Brand Messaging Consultation
  • Customize connections with student organizations
  • Diversity recruitment campus strategy
  • Career Services Employer Advisory Board membership

Thank you 纽柯钢铁 and 华盛顿L&I! Our Silver Level Employer Partners!



Silver Partner $6,000

Recruiting Advantage

  • Organization NAME recognition on Career Services website
  • 识别 as a sponsor at all large-scale campus-wide career events
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets
  • 半版的广告 & LOGO in career & internship fair guides
  • 记录最多三个面试问题,供学生在StandOut软件中练习

Events Benefits

  • Advanced invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • Advanced registration for Fall & Spring On-campus Interviewing
  • 为您选择的职业服务招聘活动提供额外的免费停车许可证
  • 每学年两次免费信息讲座/开放日/咖啡讲座
  • 演讲者局-优先邀请参加演讲嘉宾活动, career development panels, industry networking events, and workshops
  • 向职业服务中心做一个30分钟的介绍,介绍公司、招聘目标和目标
  • 免费使用学生会的一个集中地点,每年举办一次活动
  • 免费注册两场现场或虚拟招聘会(第一个虚拟展位或桌子是免费的), any additional virtual booths or tables – ½ off!)

Outreach Benefits

  • 直接向学生和应届毕业生发送有关空缺职位的邮件(最多6封)
  • Year-round access to Resume Book
  • Company recruiting-related events featured on social media outlets
  • Internship consulting and campus recruiting strategy
  • Employer Brand Messaging Consultation
  • Customize connections with student organizations

Thank you 雪佛龙公司! Our 铜 Level Employer Partner!


铜 Partner $3,000

Recruiting Advantage

  • Organization NAME recognition on Career Services website
  • 识别 as a sponsor at all large-scale campus-wide career events
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets
  • 半版的广告 in career & internship fair guides
  • 录制一个面试问题,供学生在StandOut中练习

Events Benefits

  • Advanced invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • Advanced registration for Fall & Spring On-campus Interviewing
  • 为您选择的职业服务招聘活动提供额外的免费停车许可证
  • 每学年一次免费资讯会/开放日/咖啡讲座
  • 免费使用学生会的一个集中地点,每年举办一次活动
  • 免费注册一个现场或虚拟招聘会(第一个虚拟展位或桌子是免费的), any additional virtual booths or tables – regular fee will apply)

Outreach Benefits

  • 直接向学生和应届毕业生发送有关空缺职位的电子邮件(最多4封)
  • Internship consulting and campus recruiting strategy
  • Employer Brand Messaging Consultation