Why Study 法律系的 at 蒙大拿 Tech? 

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院为学生提供了坚实的本科基础,使他们成为法学院的优秀候选人. 我们的专业教师和工作人员将帮助您精心制定学习计划, 实习, 以及能让你成为法学院最佳候选人的经验. 


菲律宾十大彩票平台学院,你可以使用最先进的设施. 你是否选择把你的时间集中在蒙大拿技术纳米技术实验室, the nation's only on-campus underground mine, 或者是我们生态学学生做实验的蓝带鳟鱼溪流, you'll have access to the best equipment. 


Through hands-on learning experiences, 比如课堂项目, 案例研究, 模拟, 还有一个高级顶点项目, you’ll learn to apply concepts to real-world situations. Your faculty mentors will also help connect you to high-quality, hands-on 实习s with companies or law firms of interest to you.


Beyond having access to law 实习s and job opportunities, 蒙大拿 Tech’s location in 孤峰, 蒙大拿, provides you with endless outdoor opportunities, 包括徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 滑雪, 和钓鱼. Historic 孤峰 also offers a vibrant art scene, 与画廊, 音乐场所, 节日, 和剧院.


通过参与菲律宾十大彩票平台大学校园里的学生活动和俱乐部来扩展你的法律预科教育. 从学习中休息一下,在数百英里的小径上徒步旅行, including the Continental Divide Trail, 或者去骑山地自行车, 用假蝇钓鱼, or backcountry and cross country 滑雪 — all just minutes from campus.


菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的法律预科顾问将帮助你创造一条通往法学院的道路, including LSAT preparation and testing, 实习 participation 和更多的. 


Almost all law schools require letters of recommendation. 当你在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院学习时,61%的班级学生少于20人. The student-faculty ratio at 蒙大拿 Tech is 14:1. That means your professors will know you by name. They' will know your interests and help you reach your specific goals. 我们的教师以写优秀的推荐信而闻名,因为我们了解我们的学生. 


Engaged 教师 with Experience
Build a resume that stands out

Join our student clubs and government. 



进入法学院不需要任何正式的学习课程或任何特定的学位, 尽管进入所有认可的法学院都需要学士学位. Since most law schools have specific entrance requirements, 计划攻读法律学位的学生应该咨询法律预科顾问. 关于法学院准备的信息可以在年度出版物中找到, “法律系的手册,,由美国法学院协会和法学院入学考试委员会准备, 教育考试服务, 994箱, 普林斯顿大学, 新泽西08540. Information about the Law School Admission Test, which is required by almost all law schools, can also be obtained from this address.


* Education for comprehension and expression in words.
* Education for creative power in thinking.

With careful selection of electives, 蒙大拿州理工学院的任何学位课程都可以满足上述目标,并为进入法学院做准备.

What Kinds of Jobs Do Attorneys Get?

律师在政府、法院系统、私人和公司律师事务所以及学术界工作. Focus areas can include corporate, 环境, 自然资源, 公民权利, 刑事, 教育, 就业与劳动, 家庭及青少年, 医疗保健, 移民, 知识产权, 国际, 市政, 证券, sports and entertainment and taxation. 

$127,990 Median Annual Salary



For attorneys, 2021-2031, faster than most careers 


根据美国律师协会(American Bar Association)的数据,2021年,所有法学院的录取率中位数

尽管我的职业道路与我在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院获得的工程学位有所不同, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学位为我打下了良好的基础. 在蒙大拿科技基金会董事会任职多年,使我有机会与这所优秀的大学保持联系. The dedication of the staff and faculty, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的校友和朋友们的慷慨确实令人惊叹.

丹·曼森,J.D. , Town Pump首席法律顾问和'22杰出校友奖获得者 B.S. ’92 Environmental 工程, University of 蒙大拿, J.D., '96, LL.M. Taxation University of Washington '06


Our catalog includes classes that focus on law in the fields business, 卫生保健, 石油和天然气, 财产及遗嘱认证, 环境问题, mine and 自然资源 开发ment, 和更多的. 

Learn more about 法律系的 at 蒙大拿 Tech
矿业学院 & 工程

Want engineering to be your undergraduate foundation for law school? Explore other programs in engineering and related fields.

College of Letters and Sciences

Do you want your undergraduate experience to include biology, 化学, mathematics or other 科学? 这是查询的地方.

Law School 招生 Council


Students digging up bones at a forensic site
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

The IAS Core curriculum stresses oral and written communication, quantitative and scientific analysis, 解决道德问题, 批判性思维.

蒙大拿 Tech alumni, Ryan Lance, speaking at a conference

商科专业的学生有机会学习商法和税法, 还有石油, 气体, 财产, probate and 自然资源 law, if they chose to also pursue a petroleum landman certificate.

Two students plugging cables into a network switch

Want a great career to fall back on in case law doesn't work out? 你将学会设计, 开发, 安全, 并通过一个植根于信息技术的网络安全学位来支持计算机网络.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.

(406) 496-4820