You’ll learn to design, 开发, 安全, 并通过一个植根于信息技术的网络安全学位来支持计算机网络. 您还可以通过行业认可的认证考试.

Why Study Cybersecurity at Montana Tech?

你将成为一个由优秀学生和敬业教师组成的紧密社区的一员. 学生与老师的比例为13:1,你将与你的教授建立密切的关系. Because they know you and your abilities, 他们将能够为网络安全学院的研究生学习写有效的推荐信, cybersecurity internships, or cybersecurity careers.

Experienced 教师, Hands-On Experience

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的网络安全教师由经验丰富的信息技术资深人士组成,他们在网络安全职业生涯中拥有数十年的实际经验. 他们也很容易接近,会不遗余力地帮助你实现你的学术和职业目标. 通过网络安全学位获得实践经验,包括使用最先进的工业硬件和软件的密集实验室. 通过在蒙大拿州和全国各地的网络安全实习,你也将增加你的知识和技能.

Build on Your Associate’s Degree

网络安全学士学位需要深入探讨的主题在a.A.S. Computer Networks and Cybersecurity program at Highlands College. 在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院再完成两年的学习,获得网络安全学士学位.

Prepare for Industry Certifications

网络安全学位为你获得业内有价值的证书做好了准备, including Cisco’s CCNA and CCNP; CompTIA A+; Network+; Linux+; Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist; and the Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA).

Remarkable Location

网络安全学位为你获得业内有价值的证书做好了准备, including Cisco’s CCNA and CCNP; CompTIA A+; Network+; Linux+; Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist; and the Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA).

Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity

蒙大拿州理工学院的网络安全项目将理论与实践相结合,重点关注当前和新兴的网络技术. 你在课堂上学到的一切都是通过强化来强化的, cutting-edge, on-campus and virtual labs.

Is a Cybersecurity Degree Worth It?

Demand is high for cybersecurity professionals in every industry, thanks to a greater emphasis on cloud computing, gathering and storing big data, and information security. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的网络安全学位为您在网络安全职业生涯中取得成功奠定了坚实的基础.

马上申请Get More Info

Engaged 教师 with Experience

Visit the Cybersecurity faculty page.

Program Objectives

View on the Catalog. 

Blend of Theory and Practice

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity, 又称信息技术安全和电子信息安全, involves protecting computers, 服务器, mobile devices, electronic systems, 网络, and data from malicious attacks, such as viruses and spyware. 网络安全威胁影响着从医疗保健到政府的每个行业.

Focus on Cybersecurity Careers

从你的网络安全项目开始,你就会知道菲律宾十大彩票平台大学专注于你的未来. 从从事网络安全项目的教师到菲律宾十大彩票平台学院卓越的职业服务, you’ll have the resources, 支持, 以及网络安全实习和网络安全职业的联系.


Projected number of job openings yearly, through 2021


Kevin Benton Senior Software Engineer on the Starlink Network Software Team

Explore Classes in Cybersecurity

蒙大拿州理工学院的网络安全项目将理论与实践相结合,重点关注当前和新兴的网络技术. 你在课堂上学到的一切都是通过强化来强化的, cutting-edge, on-campus and virtual labs.

Learn More About Cybersecurity at Montana Tech
Cybersecurity Department

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, and 更多的.

Career Placement and Outcomes

Most years we have a 100% outcome rate.

Catalog Details


Related 项目
Man programming in a computer lab
Computer Science

Choose a concentration in business applications, electronic control systems, engineering applications, game 开发ment & 更多的.

Computer screen displaying program code
Software 工程

通过获得设计实践经验,为尖端技术和计算机职业做好准备, 建筑, 测试, and maintaining software systems.

A man and a woman looking at graphs displayed on a smartboard


Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Susan Schrader
Department Head