道格拉斯·卡梅隆Professor Emeritus of 分析化学

B.S. chemistry, 1975, 蒙大拿 State University
M.S. 分析化学, 1978, Purdue University
Ph.D. analytical chemistry, 1979, Purdue University


  • 生物燃料
  • 仪器分析
  • 环境化学
  • 能源化学
  • 分析化学
  • 化学教育


  • 定量分析
  • 仪器分析
  • 环境化学
  • 光谱的解释
  • 色谱法
  • 质谱分析
  • 大学化学1 & II
  • 大学化学I & II
  • 荣誉研讨会
  • 化学研讨会
  • 有机化学概览


We are currently exploring the use of microalgae to produce fatty acids that are useful as biofuels. This work entails the varying the environmental growth conditions of algae that can flourish in extreme environments, monitoring the lipid production spectroscopically, extracting and converting the fatty acids into their methyl esters and characterizing the FAMEs using GC/MS.


杰伊·麦克洛斯基, 拉里Twidwell, 保罗·米兰达, 道格·卡梅隆, 考特尼年轻, 肖恩·达德利, 比尔帕斯科, Enhancement of 蒙大拿 Coal Sodium Removal Technology Evaluation and Development, 第十六届会议,2010, 列克星敦, KY, Ed. R. Honaker, SME, Littleton, CO, pp 622-633 (2010).

D. 卡梅隆,米. 威雷特和A. Hieb, Berkeley Pit Lake - Organic Carbon Remediation Potential, Mine Waste Technology Program Activity IV, 项目16, Interagency Agreement between the Department of Energy and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, DE-AC22-88ID12735, 孤峰, MT, February 2007.

D. 卡梅隆,米. 威利特和L. 锤, Distribution of Organic Carbon in the Berkeley Pit Lake, 孤峰, 蒙大拿, 矿井水与环境, 2006, 25(2), 93-99 (2006).

D. 卡梅隆和M. 威雷特, Organic Carbon in Berkeley Pit Sediments, Mine Waste Technology Program Activity IV, 项目11, Interagency Agreement between the Department of Energy and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, DE-AC22-88ID12735, 孤峰, MT, April 2005.

D. 卡梅隆,L.T. 锤子,J.P. 乔纳斯,M.T. 西弗森和T.L. 小巷, Determination of Total Organic Carbon in the Berkeley Pit-Lake Water, Mine Waste Technology Program Activity IV, 项目8, Interagency Agreement between the Department of Energy and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, DE-AC22-88ID12735, 孤峰, MT, November 1999.

D. 卡梅隆,米etal Ion Removal from Acid Mine Wastewaters by Neutral-Chelating Polymers: Initial Investigation and Modeling Study, Mine Waste Technology Program Activity IV, 项目4, Interagency Agreement between the Department of Energy and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, DE-AC22-88ID12735, 孤峰, MT, April 1997.