What is the Value of Being an Employer Partner of Montana Tech?

通过加入就业服务雇主合作计划, your organization can develop a strong brand at Montana Tech. You will form a sustainable pipeline of diverse talent that will benefit your organization’s recruiting needs. Employer partners will be crucial to the continued success of Montana Tech 职业服务.


The Montana Tech 职业服务 Employer Partnership Program has levels that are tailored to meet your branding and recruitment needs. 该计划包括三个级别, all designed to provide a strategic recruiting advantage for your organization, 专门的事件, 通过多个媒体渠道进行有针对性的宣传.


我们的课程旨在满足您不断变化的需求. We cordially invite you to join the Montana Tech 职业服务 Employer Partnership Program. 所有的合作关系对一个学年都是有益的, 因此,我们非常鼓励在8月和7月注册. For information on how your company can become a partner, please send an email to careerservices@hzjly.net 或致电406-496-4140蒙大拿州科技职业服务中心.


  • 在就业服务网站上识别组织名称
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays (LLC/SUB/Highlands or other areas)
  • Advance invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • 专门的招聘会停车位
  • 1 Catered Info Session at any point in the academic school year
  • Complimentary use of a centralized location in the Student Union for one event per year
  • Complimentary registration for 1 in-person or virtual career fairs
  • 现场招聘会免费提供额外的桌子
  • 在招聘会期间优先安排
  • Direct 电子邮件爆炸 (up to 4) to Students and Recent Graduates regarding open positions
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets (up to 4)
  • 半页的招聘广告 & 实习招聘会指南


  • 在就业服务网站上识别组织名称
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays (LLC/SUB/Highlands or other areas)
  • Advance invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • 专门的招聘会停车位
  • 2 Complimentary Catered Info Sessions any time during the academic year
  • Complimentary use of a centralized location in the Student Union for 2 events per year
  • Complimentary registration for 2-person or virtual career fairs
  • 现场招聘会免费提供额外的桌子
  • 在招聘会期间优先安排
  • Direct 电子邮件爆炸 (up to 6) to Students and Recent Graduates regarding open positions
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets (up to 6)
  • 半页广告 & 职业生涯中的LOGO & 实习招聘会指南


  • Organization name recognition on 职业服务 website; Permanent Company Spotlight on the main webpage
  • Organization LOGO and NAME featured on digital displays (LLC/SUB/Highlands or other areas)
  • Record up to five Interview Questions for students to practice in StandOut Software
  • Advance invitations to career fairs, special programs, and workshops
  • 2个专门的招聘会停车位
  • 3 catered info sessions or 1 week-long catered recruiting event
  • Complimentary use of a centralized location in the Student Union for 3 events per year (or one week)
  • Complimentary registration for all in-person or virtual career fairs
  • 现场招聘会免费提供额外的桌子
  • 在招聘会期间优先安排
  • Direct 电子邮件爆炸 (up to 10) to Students and Recent Graduates regarding open positions
  • 职业生涯整版广告 & 实习招聘会指南
  • Promotion of jobs and/or internships on social media outlets (up to 10)
  • EMPLOYER SPOTLIGHT The entire week will be about your organization. 职业服务
  • 通过印刷品宣传您的组织, 电子邮件爆炸, 并在战略位置提供机会. (每学期一次,不包括招聘会周)
  • Company recruiting-related events featured on social media outlets
  • A customized “Company Day or Week” career program, hiring event, or branding event

